Морфологический разбор слова «мол», какая часть речи

The Morphological Analysis of the Word «Mol»: Part of Speech and Its Characteristics

The word «mol» has several meanings and is used in various contexts. It can be used as a noun, a verb, an adjective, and even an adverb. In this article, we will delve into the morphological analysis of the word «mol» and examine its different forms and uses.


As a noun, «mol» can have two meanings. The first is a unit of measurement used in chemistry to describe the amount of a substance. The second meaning is a type of soft, usually green plant that grows in damp places.


  • One mol of oxygen weighs 16 grams.
  • The pond was filled with mol and other aquatic plants.
  • Verb

    «Mol» can also be used as a verb in some cases. When used this way, it means to soften or crumble something, usually food.


  • Please mol the vegetables before adding them to the stew.
  • Adjective

    «Mol» can be used as an adjective to describe something that is soft, tender, or delicate.


  • The cake was mol and fluffy.
  • Adverb

    Lastly, «mol» can be used as an adverb to describe how something is being done in a soft or delicate manner.


  • The singer’s voice was mol and soothing.
  • Conclusion

    The word «mol» is a versatile word that can be used as a noun, verb, adjective, and adverb. It has different meanings and uses depending on its form and can be used in various contexts. Knowing the different parts of speech and meanings of the word «mol» can help us communicate more effectively and accurately in our writing and speech.

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